This guide is for the acute kidney injury (AKI) CNS. It provides an overview on how to create AKI patient list on Sunrise.
Step |
Tips/Notes |
Note - You only need to create your patient list once. It will then be available for use when required.
Patients with Stages 1 to 3 AKI can be created as a single list combined or 3 separate lists.
1 |
Select ‘Patient List’ tab.
2 |
Select ‘New Visit List’ icon from the toolbar and select ‘New Visit List’.
3 |
The ‘Client Selection Criteria’ screen will display.
Note - Don’t forget the inbuilt help is available by selecting
Selecting |
4 |
Select ‘Advanced’ tab. |
5 |
Tick ‘Use Advanced Visit List Definition’ checkbox and select ‘Search By Health Issue’ from dropdown list.
6 |
7 |
Type ‘Stage 1 acute kidney injury’ in the field and select the magnifying glass icon to search as illustrated below. Note – you can search with AKI’s ICD10 code ‘N17.9’. Tick ‘Search Code Only’ checkbox before searching when using code to find required health issue. You’ll need to scroll down to select required AKI Health Issue. |
8 |
Scroll down on the list if required and select ‘Add’.
9 |
Added Health Issue appears within the ‘Selected Health Issue’ section below.
Select ‘Remove’ if a wrong item has been added.
Repeat steps 7 & 8 for ‘Stage 2 acute kidney injury’ and ‘Stage 3 acute kidney injury’ if you prefer the list created to show all patients with Stages 1 to 3 AKI together. ICD10 code ‘N17.9’ is the same for all 3 AKI stages.
Note – A separate AKI list for patient with Stage 1/2/3 acute kidney injury can also be created if required. |
10 |
Select ‘OK’ button to confirm selections within the two windows below.
11 |
Name your patient list and select OK.
12 |
‘Current List’ will reflect the newly created patient list.
Note – If a patient appears multiple times on the AKI patient list, it indicates that different AKIs have been documented in their record on Sunrise.
Note - if list consist of all the AKI stages combined, you can add ‘AKI Stage’ column to differentiate the AKI stages displayed.
13 |
14 |
Select ‘AKI Stage’ from ‘Available Columns’ list and use ‘Add’ button to transfer to the ‘Displayed Columns’. Select ‘OK’ button to complete the process.
15 |
Note – Patients on the list without the AKI stage number displayed indicates health issue was manually added. |
Author: Sunrise Training Team – AO
Date: 19/02/2021
Version: v1.0