This guide shows how to open and view eNotes from within Sunrise





With the patient selected and displayed in the Patient Banner, click on the ‘eNotes’ tab



Note - if accessed via Sunrise, there will be no option to search for another patient within eNotes.


eNotes will still be available from the desktop as usual, with the patient search functionality.



Within the eNotes tab, click on the ‘Pop Out’ button from the controls toolbar and this will display the eNotes in full screen



The eNotes folders that will be available to view, will include Correspondence, Charts, Emergency Department and Investigation Results.






Within the ‘ED Folder’, the documents contained will appear in date order, with the most recent on the top left.

There will be 3 types of ‘ED documents’, which will be labelled & dated as either CAS Card, Special Case or ED Other




One year’s worth of CAS cards will be scanned to eNotes




Patients with ‘Special Cases’ will have a warning in PAS which will show in Sunrise in the same place as the Allergies.

Note - the warning triangle doesn’t appear on the ED Tracking Board, so will only be visible when the patient is selected



ED will still use some paper documents.  These will include ambulance forms, GP referral letters and any other paperwork produced within the ED, such as Point of Care Test results.

These documents will be kept in a paper folder with a front sheet and scanned in to eNotes after the patient has been discharged, but may be done whilst the patient is still in the department.



Users will continue to have read-only access to Symphony



For further information, please see separate Clinical Systems Guide ‘User Guidance for eNotes’.




Title: eNotes tab

Author: Sunrise Training Team - EW 

Date: 09/12/2020

Version:  v1.0