These supporting materials provide an overview of how to complete the Finalisation tab of the EDN Document in Sunrise. This is for Nurses and Discharge Lounge.

Click on the link below to see the Video of how the task is performed.

EDN Document (Finalisation Tab) Video

Addendum FinalisationTab:-

- ‘eDN clinical sections complete’ tick box is now under the eDN tab and if ticked indicates that no more clinical information needs to be added.

- Buttons to send the EDN Report to the GP and/or print a copy for the patient automatically become visible once the ‘eDN clinical sections complete’ and ‘eDN medication status complete’ tick box(es) have been ticked.

- 'Dispensing on Ward' is a new status on the Tracking Board indicating that Pharmacy are able to dispense directly on the ward to help speed up the dispensing process. 

Download the User Guide for detailed instructions on how to perform the task.