Sunrise - Outpatients
Attached is a guide for creating a patient list for consultants' clinics in Sunrise
Tue, 15 Jun, 2021 16:05
This guide is for Secretaries who wish to create a list of patients under the care of a particular Consultant(s) or speciality on Sunrise
Wed, 16 Jun, 2021 15:34
This guide shows how to add a ‘new results’ flag to an existing patient list
The following can be added to any existing p...
Tue, 5 Oct, 2021 12:07
This guide is to create a patient list for OPA referrals received via Sunrise. This list is specific to referrals from both inpatient (currently admitt...
Thu, 9 Sep, 2021 12:56
This guide is to create a patient list for OPA referrals received via Sunrise. This list is specific to referrals outpatient where the OP outcome is no...
Thu, 9 Sep, 2021 12:14