NHSMail's acceptable use policy 

Accepting their terms and conditions is a mandatory requirement for using NHSMail.


1.  Please open Chrome or Internet Explorer and enter this in the address box: http://portal.nhs.net and press enter 

2.  Login clicking the Login word at the top right hand side of the page.  

If you click on the Messages icon instead, you may not be able to access the AUP to accept it.

Close the tab and follow 1 above.

3.  Once logged in choose the Profile tab and accept the Acceptable Use Policy at the bottom of the long text on the page. 

You can skip the Details page unless you want to and to it


4.  Now either enter the 3 security questions/answers, following the instructions on the page.  

A red cross means the criteria has not been met - amend the Questions/answers until they meet the criteria (green ticks) 

Success will show green ticks if they meet the criteria. 

5.  Click Save ant the bottom of the page, once all 6 green ticks are shown.