OneDrive has been enabled within Microsoft Teams to facilitate easy collaboration and sharing of files between team and channel members.

You can share a file by adding an attachment to a message to a team, channel or individual person.


Message Attachment

  1.  Select Chat from the functionality list 
  2. Click the ‘New Chat’ icon
  3. In the ‘To’ box type the team name, channel name, or name of intended recipient
  4. Type your message
  5. Select the paperclip attachment icon.  A pop up window will appear with two options:
    1. OneDrive
    2. Upload from my computer
  6. When you are ready press send.

All the files you attach to a message are viewable in the ‘Files’ functionality tab.


Important note:

When you create a channel within a team a folder is automatically created in your OneDrive site.   Any files you share in the channel can be accessed via the ‘Files’ functionality icon and going to the relevant folder.

You can create your own folders in your OneDrive site, but these will not link to a specific channel in your Team.

It is recommended you do not move files from a channel folder to another folder unless agreed within the team.  This will stop confusion in finding files that have already been shared.


Searching for messages, people or files


If you click on the ‘Activity’ functionality icon (1) you will see details of everything that has happened in the teams and channels you are a member of.  

Click on the ‘Filter’ icon (2) to show only certain types of notifications.

To search for a specific message or person or file type a phrase or keyword into the box at the top of the app (3) and press enter.

Select the Message, People or Files tab (4).

Select an item in the search results or you can ‘filter’ to further refine your search (5).